Unconventional Maneuver Mechanics - Profundity - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes - SWGOH.GG (2024)


Increase Download by 10%. Dispel all debuffs from target ally and they assist twice.

At the end of the turn, target enemy is inflicted with debuffs for each instance of Physical or Special damage they receive during this turn for 2 turns, which can't be resisted:

- 1+ Instance of damage: Critical Chance Down
- 3+ Instances of damage: Breach
- 5+ Instances of damage: Burning
- 7+ Instances of damage: Ability Block
-9+ Instances of damage: Shield Disruption

Upgrade From Previous Level

-50% Damage penalty; 9+ Instances of damage: Shield Disruption


ImmunityContext: #0specialability_capitalprofundity01_prevent_profundity_basic_assist_on_turn_markerUnavoidable

ForAllfromAlly Sidewho are Aliveand is selftag_capitalprofundity

Where an active effectdoesn't have tagspecialability_capitalprofundity01_prevent_profundity_basic_assist_on_turn_marker

Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)


Effected Tagsderp

Effect expires on:Turn End

RecoverContext: #1specialability_capitalprofundity01_download_gain_u02Unavoidable

ForAllfromAlly Sidewho are Alive or Dead

Recover ability cooldownsfor abilities in effected tagsby0 * ABILITY_BASE_COOLDOWN

Effect is unresistable

Effected Tagsrebel_download

Blackboard ModifyContext: #2specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker_blackboard_resetUnavoidable

ForCurrent TargetfromEnemy Sidewho is Alive

Set value to0on blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker

Apply EffectContext: #3specialability_capitalprofundity01_enemy_receive_damage_handler_u04Unavoidable

ForCurrent TargetfromEnemy Sidewho is Alive

Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers

Effect is unresistable

Effect expires on:Round End

Child effects are applied on:Receive Damagephysical_damage, Receive Damagespecial_damage

Query CountContext: #0generic_query_whodunit_enemy_unithealthstateanyUnavoidable

ForAllfromEnemy Sidewho are Alive or Dead

This effect will FILTER target unit(s) thatdealt damagefrom the trigger in the parent effect specialability_capitalprofundity01_enemy_receive_damage_handler_u04

Puts the target(s) from this query into CONTEXT_VALUE

Blackboard ModifyContext: #1specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker_increase_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previousquery returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0

Add1 (additive)to valueon blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker

Apply EffectContext: #2specialability_capitalprofundity01_end_of_round_give_debuffs_u04Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Where an active effectdoesn't have tagspecialability_capitalprofundity01_end_of_round_give_debuffs

Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers


Effect expires on:Round End

Child effects are applied on:Round End

Blackboard QueryContext: #0specialability_capitalprofundity01_did_i_get_hit_equal_or_more_than_9Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Check target(s) blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker valueis greater than or equal to9

Stat LimitContext: #1specialability_capitalprofundity01_shield_disruption_single_part1_2turn_CEPhysical

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Max Protectionof-1


Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete

ImmunityContext: #2specialability_capitalprofundity01_shield_disruption_single_part2_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)

Effect is unresistable


Effected Tagsshield_buffbonus_max_protection

Effect expires on:Remove Persistent Effectshield_disruption_debuff

Blackboard QueryContext: #3specialability_capitalprofundity01_did_i_get_hit_equal_or_more_than_7Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Check target(s) blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker valueis greater than or equal to7

CurseContext: #4specialability_capitalprofundity01_abilityblock_single_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Applies a Curse effect to the target(s)


Effect expires on:2xFull Turn Complete, 1xDeath, Encounter End

Blackboard QueryContext: #5specialability_capitalprofundity01_did_i_get_hit_equal_or_more_than_5Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Check target(s) blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker valueis greater than or equal to5

ImmunityContext: #6specialability_capitalprofundity01_burning_single_marker_FTC2_CEPhysical

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)


Effected Tagsderp

Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete

Apply EffectContext: #7specialability_capitalprofundity01_burning_dot_FTC2_ships_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers

Effect is unresistable


Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete, Remove Persistent Effectburning_debuff

Child effects are applied on:Turn Start

DamageContext: #0basic_burning_damage_shipsUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Aliveand is not role_raidboss

Where an active effectdoesn't have tagpercent_health_resistant

Remove 15% of target's Max Health

Damage variance is 0

Damage can't health steal

Damage can't trigger counter attack


DamageContext: #1basic_burning_damage_raidboss_shipsUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Aliveand is role_raidboss

Remove 0.03% of target's Max Health

Damage variance is 0

Damage can't health steal

Damage can't trigger counter attack


DamageContext: #2basic_burning_damage_percenthealthresistant_shipsUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Where an active effectdoes have tag percent_health_resistant

Remove 0.3% of target's Max Health

Damage variance is 0

Damage can't health steal

Damage can't trigger counter attack


Modify StatContext: #8specialability_capitalprofundity01_burning_dodge_debuff_single_FTC2_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Modify statDodgeby-500,000%(additive)

Effect is unresistable

Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete, Remove Persistent Effectburning_debuff

Modify StatContext: #9specialability_capitalprofundity01_burning_deflection_debuff_single_FTC2_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Modify statDeflectionby-500,000%(additive)

Effect is unresistable

Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete, Remove Persistent Effectburning_debuff

Blackboard QueryContext: #10specialability_capitalprofundity01_did_i_get_hit_equal_or_more_than_3Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Check target(s) blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker valueis greater than or equal to3

Modify StatContext: #11specialability_capitalprofundity01_breach_armor_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Modify statArmorby-25%(multiplicative)


Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete

Modify StatContext: #12specialability_capitalprofundity01_breach_suppressionUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will FILTER OUT available targets based onthe previous effect's target(s) that failed toexecute the effect

Modify statResistanceby-25%(multiplicative)

Effect is unresistable


Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete, Remove Persistent Effectbreach_debuff

Modify StatContext: #13specialability_capitalprofundity01_breach_speedUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will FILTER OUT available targets based onthe previous effect's target(s) that failed toexecute the effect

Modify statSpeedby-25%(multiplicative)

Effect is unresistable


Effect expires on:Death, Encounter End, 2xFull Turn Complete

Blackboard QueryContext: #14specialability_capitalprofundity01_did_i_get_hit_equal_or_more_than_1Unavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

Check target(s) blackboard specialability_capitalprofundity01_damage_tracker valueis greater than or equal to1

Modify StatContext: #15specialability_capitalprofundity01_attack_crit_debuff_single_CEUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Modify statPhysical Critical Chanceby-25%(additive)


Effect expires on:2xFull Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End

Modify StatContext: #16specialability_capitalprofundity01_ability_crit_debuff_singleUnavoidable

ForSelfwho is Alive

This effect will EXECUTE ifthe previouseffect successfully executed

Modify statSpecial Critical Chanceby-25%(additive)

Effect is unresistable


Effect expires on:2xFull Turn Complete, Death, Encounter End

DispelContext: #4specialability_capitalprofundity01_dispel_debuffsUnavoidable

ForCurrent TargetfromAlly Sidewho is Alive

Dispels effects from the target(s) with corresponding effected tags


Effected Tagsclearable_debuff

Bonus MoveContext: #5specialability_capitalprofundity01_bonus_move_01Unavoidable

ForCurrent TargetfromAlly Side(excluding self)who is Alive

Where an active effectdoesn't have tagsparalysis_debuffor daze_debuffor no_assist

The target(s) perform1bonus moves

Max number of attacks in single turn for this effect: 1


Bonus MoveContext: #6specialability_capitalprofundity01_bonus_move_02Unavoidable

ForCurrent TargetfromAlly Side(excluding self)who is Alive

Where an active effectdoesn't have tagsparalysis_debuffor daze_debuffor no_assist

The target(s) perform1bonus moves

Max number of attacks in single turn for this effect: 1


Unconventional Maneuver Mechanics - Profundity - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes - SWGOH.GG (2024)


What are the requirements for profundity in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

Video Player is loading. Event requires you to complete 4 tiers with 4, 5, 6, 7 star ships. Once you complete the 4 tiers you unlock the Profundity at 4 stars. This also unlocks a bonus tier that rewards 10 ship blueprints that is replayable every time the event returns.

How do you get allies in Star Wars galaxy of heroes? ›

How to add friends in STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes. Add friends as Allies in-game by tapping Allies and entering your friend's Ally Code in the box, then select Invite. You can check if your friend has received your request by tapping Request Status.

What are territory battles in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

Territory Battles is a strategic game mode where you and your Guild work together using your entire roster of units to earn rewards for everyone. You have to be at least level 65 to join a Territory Battle.

How does Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes work? ›

There are various modes for players to engage in, including squad arena (player vs. player), dark and light side battles, cantina, galactic wars, raids, and various special events. All modes are played versus the computer controlled AI, including the squad arena battles in which the AI controls a player-created team.

What is the fastest way to level up in Star Wars galaxy of heroes? ›

Use Your Energy Crystals

Fortunately, if you want to level up quickly regardless of your energy, you can purchase energy refills by clicking on your energy indicator. As long as you have enough crystals, you can keep recharging your energy and playing indefinitely.

What are the requirements for ranked heroes of the storm? ›

Requirements & restrictions
  • Players must have 16 or more Heroes available (including Heroes on Free Rotation, but not including Cho'gall) and account level 50 or higher to queue for Storm League.
  • Players that are under a Silence Penalty or have to complete Leaver Penalty games are unable to queue for Storm League.

What is the best squad in Star Wars heroes? ›

As such, the roster for the best teams continues to evolve and change along with the developments in the Star Wars franchise.
  • 8 Geonosians.
  • 7 Clones.
  • 6 Empire.
  • 5 Jedi.
  • 4 Sith.
  • 3 Nightsisters.
  • 2 Sith Empire.
  • 1 Old Republic.

How do you get 100% in Star Allies? ›

To reach 100% completion, the game must be completed after collecting all 32 Red Stars in both the normal mode and the Extra Stage.

Can you transfer Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

If you want to move your account across devices with the same operating systems: Link your account with Game Center on iOS or Google Play Store on Android. Log in with the linked account on your new device.

What is tw in swgoh? ›

Territory War. Territory War is a guild event that has two guilds battle against each other. The event lasts for 4 days and consists of 4 phases; Preview, Setup, Attack, and Review.

What is the scavenger in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

Contents. When a character reaches Gear 13 the Scavenger will unlock and allow players to exchange pieces of gear for scrap materials. These scrap materials are then used to increase the Relic Amplifiers (Relics) of the characters.

How do you get allies in Galaxy of Heroes? ›

How to add friends in STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes. Add friends as Allies in-game by tapping Allies and entering your friend's Ally Code in the box, then select Invite. You can check if your friend has received your request by tapping Request Status.

What is the best pack to buy in Galaxy of Heroes? ›

If you are going to spend money on this game, the Hyperdrive Bundle is far and away the best value. Nothing else comes close. Always buy the gear you can purchase w/credits in the daily shipments. Claim the free daily chest in the web store.

How much money does Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes make? ›

First released in 2015, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile collectable RPG game published by Electronic Arts. In-app purchase revenue within the game peaked at a cumulative 154.74 million U.S. dollars in 2017. In 2023, this figure declined to 86.91 million U.S. dollars.

How do you get Datacrons in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

They are obtainable from the Datacron store. The price is as follows: Slot 1 3,925 shard tokens Slot 2 100,000 ally points Slot 19 785 crystals Slot 20 785 crystals Datacrons are crucial in grand arenas.

How do you upgrade characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

Each Character is improved by collecting their Character Shards. Their ship counterparts are Ship Blueprints. A Character must have a minimum number of shards in order to be activated. They are activated for 100 Credits.

How do you get stars for heroes in Hero Wars? ›

Stars are earned by success in campaign levels - finishing quickly and with all heroes standing. Be strategic with your skills! Honestly, just focus on keeping your heroes alive and winning quickly. Stars will come naturally.

How do I link Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? ›

Link your account in the game
  1. Open STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes.
  2. Go into Settings.
  3. Select Connect, then EA connect.
  4. Enter your preferred email address, then hit Enter. We'll send a code to your email.
  5. Enter the code from your email, then select Enter.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.